Oily fish
As more and more research is being done, the benefit of consuming oily fish is becoming more apparent.
Getting enough oily fish in your diet is probably one of the best ways to promote overall wellness as well as help to prevent the risk of disease that you can do.
Oily fish can be classified as any type that has fats distributed throughout the fillet and the belly cavity around the gut. White fish on the other hand has this fat in only the liver and therefore will not make it as beneficial for your health.
Usually the varieties you'll be looking for include salmon, trout, mackerel and herring.
These types are going to be a good source of vitamin A, vitamin D as well as provide you with the essential fatty omega 3 acids that your body needs. These fatty acids help to decrease the risk of depression, reduce the chances of developing heart disease as well as weaken the symptoms of inflammation in the body. This last factor really makes this a useful natural treatment for those who suffer from arthritis.
You should be aiming to include about two servings per week in your diet however you can eat more so long as you make sure you make room in terms of overall calorie and fat content (to prevent weight gain).